Monday, July 20, 2009

Where I am this week


Michelle said...

Oh. My. Word.

How marvellous!

Come back and tell us all about it.

Ivy said...

Hi Barbara, I've been to TGC. What a treat/retreat. It's lovely there. Mayhap you might find a copy of my book Mortal on the library shelves, too. And if you want to know your fortune, ask the ladies in the kitchen about where you can go to get your tea leaves read. Say hello to the lake for me, please. Thank you and happy writing! :-)

Emerging Writer said...

Have a lovely productive time

Liz said...

Gorgeous place - both sunny laneway and red glow desk...nice combo for writing. Have fun with the muse...; )

Kay Cooke said...

I'm envious!!! ;) Happy writing.

Michael Farry said...

Envy! Envy!

Rachel Fox said...

That desk is calling you...come write on me...pull up the chair...sit yourself down...

Group 8 said...

Hope it's going great B. Love the TGC...

Angela France said...

wow - what a lovely place

Pete Goulding said...

Sorry for being the big thickie at the back of the class, Barbara, but where are you?

Unknown said...


Michael Farry said...

Peter Goulding, please pay attention! It's the The Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Co. Monaghan.

Dominic Rivron said...

What a nice place to be! It should certainly "stimulate the phagocytes" (however you spell 'em) as my dad used to say.

Jo said...

Lucky you. How was it?

Now I just realised you come from Dundalk....I'm (or was) a Doyle from Dundalk...well my grandfather was at least.....

Unknown said...

Jo, it was marvelous - you have rellies from Dundalk... jeepers it's a small world sometimes!