Thursday, February 09, 2012

Interview on

Kate Dempsey, otherwise known as Emerging Writer, has posted an interview she did with me on

Pop along and have a read and find out how I got into reading and writing poetry and my time spent writing lyrics for a band I used to sing with... and discover how my newly coming collection is progressing.


Emerging Writer said...

I meant to ask you what the name of your band was. thanks for being such a dotey interviewee

Dominic Rivron said...

Re Dreaded 2nd Collection... There may be some truth behind the idea but i think sometimes people just make phrases - and they stick! Someone tagged the adjective dreaded onto collection and it's been hard to get it off ever since. It's sort of language working in reverse: the words are there, and one has to then cast around for suitable thoughts for them to express.

Unknown said...

Thanks for having me, K. The band was called Warehouse 17. :)

Dominic, someone out there may call theirs by this very title one day!

Rachel Fenton said...

D2C - it would make a great title! Thanks, Dominic.

And thank you Emerging Writer and Barbara - enjoyed the interview - interesting to know the learning journey parallel to the creative one (made me realise I know so little about you, Barbara), and good to know the second collection is on the way - no cause for dread!

Dick said...

Good to have the bleeuugh reactivated, however spasmodically! An interesting interview with some good advice. Oh, if only those embarking on poetry would read, read, read first!

Good luck with the dreaded 2nd. I'm just embarking on the tentative 1st, out, hopefully, some time next month.

Unknown said...

I saw that over on your blog recently, Dick, congratulations! I'm very excited for you!

Rachel, that's a good acronym as well. You know, I realised the same thing as you after the interview as well... Note to self, share!

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

I would like to work on a collection like you are doing but it seems almost impossible to be able to seriously engage any editor, a lot of us seem destined to lag behind or wait in a never ending queue.

My best wishes for a new successful book.