Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sore but still here

I never knew how much pain two tiny wee holes could cause you! Well, it's all over bar the shouting, but it went well yesterday, despite me blubbering like a baby in the ante-room before I went in - last November I hadn't a good experience with the medication I was given before the colonoscopy; I was lucid for some of that experience and it gave me nightmares for weeks afterwards. Put it this way, yesterday I was scared witless.

Needless to say, the anaesthesia staff were really kind to me, and I was away with the fairies before you could say 'general anaesthetic.' I came round after a forty min op which sorted me all out for now. Into the wee holes they made, one under the belly-button, one above the bikini line, they inserted cameras and instruments, as well as Carbon Dioxide which helps to make space so that they can see around the organs a bit easier.

So, today, apart from these weird pains in my diaphragm and shoulders (which is caused by the dispersion of the CO2 and is normal after a laparoscopy) and my stomach feeling like someone peformed Riverdance on it with elephants that were high on red bull (maybe they did, who knows what they get up to in Theatre when you're out for the count!), I'm grand. Nothing that a bit of Difene and some extra strength Nurofen, as well as a good night's sleep won't cure. Aren't we women fierce resilient all the same?


Emerging Writer said...

My insides are churning in sympathy. Glad it seemd to go well.

Rachel Fox said...

It's good to cry when you're scared I think (and boy, have I had some practice!). Better than the eternal brave face...

Glad you're out the other side.


Totalfeckineejit said...

('Glad you're out the other side.' Rachel)

You've not passed over to the other side have ya B?
If so: glad they have blogger
what's the weather like,
is there a God,
does he mention me at all?

Best wishes,

Totalfeckineejit said...

Sorry I'm so busy taking the P, I forgot to put it in.

Pete Goulding said...

Can you put studs in the holes? Or safety pins maybe?
Seriously, glad you're on ther mend.

Rachel Fenton said...

Hey, brill. Bet you're the holiest person about this Easter! Bad taste :(

Hope you're right as a bobbin soon. You mentioned "for the time being ' = does that mean there's more pain to come?

Kay Cooke said...

You've been through a bit haven't you? Hope all is well and lots of good times ahead. Well done you fierce fighting woman you!

R/T said...

As someone who has been there and done that, I simply offer this: Ah, here is to better living through modern chemistry. Thank God for anesthesia, pain-killers, and compassionate medical professionals. Hang in there.

Michelle said...

Welcome back, Barbara. x

Group 8 said...

Get well soon. Hope you are feeling better. N x

Anonymous said...

Hope you relax and recover soon. Very best wishes to you.

Jon M said...

Bloody 'ell Barb, Hope everything's okay! I turn me back for three... well maybe more than seconds! and look what happens! take care of yourself! :o)

Unknown said...

Not so fond memories of 'windy shoulder syndome' but it all gets back to normal very quickly. Hope you are now feeling less Riverdanced!