BB's (Becoming Amethyst) take, then Paris Parfait -
10 Favourites
Favourite season: Very hard to decide- invariably not the one I’m in – Okay Winter
Favourite colour: Porphyry, closely followed by red
Favourite time: before sleep, that unaware/aware feeling before you fall a la Alice
Favourite food: Difficult there are so many – steak is good, but only occasionally
Favourite drink: water, alcoholic – beer but wine will do at a pinch
Favourite ice cream: Vanilla – nice and simple
Favourite place: Paris/London and Dublin on a good day
Favourite sport: anything that induces sweat!?!
Favourite actor: Johnny Depp
Favourite actress: Sissy Spacek
9 Currents
Current feeling: Relaxed (post assignment)
Current drink: Beer
Current time: 22:22 BST
Current show on TV: Who cares?
Current mobile used: Nokia
Current windows open: Many
Current underwear: Pink stripey shorts
Current clothes: Long skirt and Purple t-shirt
Current thought: Thank god I made a start!
8 Firsts
First nickname: Barbara Woodhouse –she trained dogs. I didn’t realize the import until many years later
First kiss: yuk. It felt so mechanical
First crush: Nah!
First best friend(s): Mary – still best friends!
First vehicle I drove: Father’s shiny Datsun
First job: Painting on tiles for a tile place!
First date: The local ballroom of romance…!
First pet: Dagobear – an Alsatian the same age as me
7 Lasts
Last drink: Beer
Last kiss: Eimear, my twin daughter
Last meal: Dinner – new potatoes, carrots, parsnips and medallions of bacon
Last web site visited: OU website
Last film watched: Like I have time to watch them!
Last phone call: Mother-in-law
Last TV show watched:Prison Break
6 Have you evers
Have you ever broken the law: All the time
Have you ever been drunk: Don’t get me started!
Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know: Lots of times
Have you ever been in the middle/close to gunfire: Yes, NI upbringing
Have you ever skinny dipped: Yup
Have you ever broken anyone's heart: Part of life, I guess.
5 Things
Things you can hear right now: Traffic, computer whirring, phone ringing, children squabbling, beer settling
Things on your bed: pillows, books, papers, personal radio to drown out noise, duvet
Things you ate today: weetabix, bread, ham, bacon, spuds,
Things you wouldn't want to live without: Words, yes, no, maybe, beer, love
Things you do when you are bored: Paint toenails, cut kids hair, read, listen, rant
4 Places you have been today
back garden
3 Things on your desk right now
Madame Bovary,
The Portrait of a Lady
Empty beer glass
2 Choices
Black or white: Err, grey
Hot or cold: Cold feet are better than post hot bath blood pressure! I’m learnin’
1 Place you want to visit
Machu Pichu
Porphyry - you had me reaching for the dictionary there- nice choice!
Great answers, great to get to know you better, with love from one beer drinking woman to another ;-)(yesm only wine at a push!)
Great meme. I love beer too, sadly it no longer loves me. But I'd die without a cup of tea, really labourer stuff, like they used to drink out of golden syrup tins.
grr real, sorry!
A cup of tea is how I usually start the day.
I like it strong too "tar to pave the road" as my Granny used to say!
'Spoon stander'my granny said. Grandad called his pint 'sunshine juice' - funny how things stick down the years!
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